Its monday AGAIN~ Well time goes soooooo fast, its like skipping Saturday and Sunday after facing Friday. The main question in my head is, Y TIME IS SO JEALOUS WITH MY HOLIDAY??? WHY???Y AREN'T YOU JEALOUS WITH JUE N HANIE'S HOLIDAY??? Well i finally get the answer, it is because i'm doin too much work at my weekend until i forgot that it is Monday already. #LOL True STORY!!!
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#JustGoogleIt |
Siapa peminat The Beatles kat sini? (Ehh tetiba tukar melayu pulak, adehh sori, tak sempat nak pakai google translate #LOL) Dan peminat Stevie Wonder??? Well harini aku nak jamu korang dengan lagu "We Can Work It Out", ia suatu lagu yang sangat lama, tahun 60's punya lagu ni (i'm sure Dhiya and Fie will know this song). Tapi diberi nafas baru oleh Stevie Wonder semperna tribute to Paul McCartney di White House 2 tahun lalu. Lagu ni sempoi, fresh dan banyak mesej.
Aku nak korang hayati dan tulis di comment box di bawah tu, apa korang dapat dari lagu ni, layannn~
"We Can Work It Out"
Try to see it my way
Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on
While you see it your way
Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone
We can work it out
We can work it out
Think of what you're saying
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's alright
Think of what I'm saying
We can work it out and get it straight, or say good night
We can work it out
We can work it out
Life is very short, and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again.
Try to see it my way
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance that we may fall apart before too long
We can work it out
We can work it out
Life is very short, and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you once again
Try to see it my way
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance that we may fall apart before too long
We can work it out
We can work it out
p.s : rasa macam nak wat header baru la, patut tak? or korang suka header sedia ada?
rajin betul tukar2 header....
ReplyDeleteMalam2 dengar lagu camni layan gak... :)
baru plan je..huhu :P
Deletelagu2 the beatles sdp
ReplyDeletebagaimana rasanya? hehe
Deletekelakar kan rambut artis zaman dulu,
ReplyDeletekemungkinan besar One Direction akan
ikut jejak langkah The Beatles ni
sebab diorang pun semakin naik sekarang :D
One Direction ek? never heard of it.. kena try dgr ni, thanks :D
Deletetau takpa,tak sempat nak tido pepuas,huhu...sekarang masa berlalu begitu cepat...
ReplyDeletetayah tuka,hat tu setai dah :))
takyah tuka? 1 vote for not tukar..hehe
DeleteKdg lagu pon mbntu kite
ReplyDeletelagu adalah inspirasi :)
DeleteLife is very short, and there's no time
ReplyDeleteFor fussing and fighting, my friend..
nice song! ^^
nice kan.. persembahan diorng mantap :)
Deletehahahah samaa laa kita bro!kehkehkeheh
ReplyDeletehoyeahh bkn senang nak ada member yang sama kepala dalam music ni :D
DeleteSory dik akak x minat sangat.. Tapi lagu dia best..
ReplyDeletenak tanye jugak.. Dia Buta ker dik?
Sorrryy bertanye.. heheheehe
hmm dia buta sejak kecil kak :)
DeleteOh ye ker.. Memang work hard lah dia sampai boleh jadi se Gah macam ni..
Deleteyups, work hard + talent meletakkan dia di mana dia skarng ni :D
Deleteaku da hayati da lirik dia sedalam2nya.. 5 jam aku dengar.. dan aku mendapat satu jawapan yang positif daripada lagu ni. biar aku huraikan.
ReplyDeletehidup ini singkat, tak ada masa untuk main-main dan bergaduh.
yeah.ini lah yang aku dapat dalam 5 jam tu..
wow 5 jam? apa yang aku paham adalah, diorang nak bagitu yang prgaduhan ni hanya membuang masa dan tak mendatangkan apa apa faedah :)
Deletehahahahaha..ko tau la.. BI aku kan A++ .hakhakhakhakhakhak
Deletehehe humble sangat abang ni..hehe
Deleteaku suka The Beatles!
ReplyDeleteapa lagu fav diorng bro?
DeleteSuka dengan Stevie Wonder.. Sangat epic!
ReplyDeletesangat best performace dia :D
Deletesi boni punye komen short and simple..hahaha
ReplyDeleteaahla lagu2 KUMBANG ni mmg best2 gak..
layann je telinge dengar..hehe
errr zuan nk tukar header ke? try la boh header baru..
meh nti cik ana tengok..hehe
cik ana
hehe dalam fikir fikir.. idea dah ada, tapi rasa macam tak ada masa nak redesign.. huu
DeleteSaturday Im working.....but yesterday....i have me time....sukanya...sukanya...sukanya....
ReplyDeletehehe enjoy weekend betul ni :D
Deletelaling i minat the beatles ni... :)
ReplyDeleteyeke? hehe leh geng ni
DeleteSuke lagu yesterday!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeletefav gak tu.. :)
Deleteaah suka lagu yesterday gak..
ReplyDeletepst lawa je header skrg, tp kalo nk ubah angin ok gak tukar baru
hehe dah lawa ek yg skarang? malas nk tukar la mcm tu..hehe
Deletesememangnya life is too let start living :)
ReplyDeletehehe life in this world is short :D
ReplyDeletexlayan laa..hee..; not the kaki karok..haha
go zuan to MENTOR! go zuan go..ngeee
sbuk sgt smpai xsdr dah weekdays ea..dting la tu!haha
hehehe tak pernah karok lagu ni pun :P
Deletedating? huhu xde orng nak dating ngan zuan la..
nt karok la..;p..
Deletemkn ubat k..xpon check la batuk tu g klinik..kang payah plak..xpon mnum air asam jawa y diembunkan..petua org rajin ke nak embunkan?haha..mst x ;p..g sensei mnta selasih kot..ira xsure sgt..cer google..hee
elehhh bkn ada apa2 ke dgn yuyu?haha ;p..
pss : thanks zuan 4 the like!btw, header ni dah nice dahh..kalau nak tukar pon apa slhnya..:)
Boleh la layan untuk halwa telinga time bosan2x kan....huhuhu
ReplyDeletehehe yups :)
Deletethe beatles tu rasanya kmpulan dlu2 kan.. hehehe
ReplyDeletetry la tukar header baru, mana tau lebih menarik :)
yups kumpulan dulu.. yang skarang ni tak menarik ke? huhu
Deletelife is too short to be burdened by sins..erk,lain plak rasenye.haha
ReplyDeleteemm tukar la header baru plak..haha
yups, so free yourself from sins
Deletehmm tgh dok fikir fikir lagi
boleh masuk jugak la dengar lagu ni...hee...
ReplyDeleteaq tak pernah dgr lagu the beatles..huhu...nanti try dgr la..:D
P.S - haha..jgn salah paham...amy lee ttp dgn evanescence...
> serius...mmg nampak sgt band ni nak jadi evanescence kan...HAHA...
haha tu la, sbb ko kata ad 3 bandmates evanescence kan
Deletenak buat header baru ke ? cer try buat...mana tahu ok ke..:D
ReplyDeleteyang skarang ni tak ok la? hehehe
Deletesy minat gilerr the beattles.. lagu legend smua tu.. haha xtau sgt maksud lagu ni cuma sy tau, life is so short.. something kerjasama with others.. eyh xtau hahaaha.. suka dgr lagu jer..;p
ReplyDeletecuba tuka header baru.. nak tgk kelainan ckit hehe..
haaa pasal naper msia lwn srwk. sy ada jwb kat blog.. ada edit tambah2 entri dlm tu.. tgk balik ek.. heheh
minat gak? yeayy tmbah lagi geng the Beatles..hehe
Deletehehe bagi nampak kelainan? hmm
the song
ReplyDeletepenuh makna
yups, penuh makna :)
Deletelagu pembakar semangat
ReplyDeletesemangat sbb performance diorng mantap kan :D
Deleteha ah.. satu perhormatan.. sy baru jer bc.. hahahahah
ReplyDeletehohoho...memang mendalam maksud lagu tu.tapi aku memang tak layan lagu2 lama camtu.hahaha
ReplyDeletehehe awat tak layan? best woo~
Deletezuan tak nak buat rambut mcam tu ? smart la ;p
ReplyDeletehehehe xnk la.. rmbut dah pendek..huhu
Deletesaya suka lgu yesterday.. hakhak..
ReplyDeleteramai kat sini suka lagu yesterday ek :D
DeleteThe beatles!!! Minat gile babeng! Aku suka lagu2 dorang.
ReplyDeleteAku minat gile babeng kt dorang!! Lagu best2.
ReplyDeletehehe semua best best kan :D aku ngan jue berbeza..memang berbeza. aku full dgn program makan.makan.makan. Jue, tengah angau dengan Kim Jae Joong. berjaya aku jangkitkan virus kat dia...
ReplyDeletelagu ni.fuh..aku minat. tp bapak & mak aku minat.
apa yang aku dapat dari lagu tu. bial bergaduh cuba dengar pendapat orang lain selain pendapat sendiri. sebab pendapat sendiri tak semestinya betul. dan pendapat orang lain tak semestinya salah. considerate pendapat masing masing dari sudut pandangan berbeza baru dapat tengok mana betul mana salah. errr...kann...
hehe n aku paling tekankan, jangn la gadoh sbb nak menang..hehe tp kes aku ngan korang lain, gado gelak gelak..hoho
Deletetu diaa panjang karangan hanie. haha.
Deleteeh eh nad suke steve wonder jugak taw..:)
ReplyDeletenak kata minat sangat tue x der la
ReplyDeletecuma 2 3 lagu dia yg best
for me there should tukar the word
ReplyDeletemonday --> moanday ==' hated monday
yes...we can work it out!!! istiqamah k?
ReplyDelete**habis semua komen dia reply na..hehe
uhuk, tau xpe..masa ari jumaat, kemaen lg excited nk berehat2 di hari sabtu dan ahad tup2? dah pon ari isnin..T~T
ReplyDeletelagu ni kira retro tak lapok di telan zaman
Story terbaru blog kami...
masalah alternator kereta
hehehe- klau translate dlm bm..aku tatau la bunyi mcm mana lagu tu
ReplyDeletelayan gak kot....
ReplyDeletemoday adelah xbesttt.sebb ari bermula selpes hari cuti..demmit!xlyn sgt da beattle
ReplyDeleteala zuan nak tukar header ke? akak nak gak !!
ReplyDeletedalam perancangan je kak.. kalau ada masa je baru buat..huhu
Deleteakak suka layan lagu cmni di kala malam...hahaha tp kat bangi la ada unifi laju sikit
ReplyDeletewohoo. minat juga lagu the beatles. rock klasik :D
ReplyDeleteminat-minat macam tu je.. :D
ReplyDelete*rajin tukar header ek..
crying just by reading through the lyrics. hah. God knows.
ReplyDeletejangan ikut kata hati. try to listen. mungkin bila kita cuba mendengar tu dapat ubah keadaan jadi lebih baik.
ReplyDeleteha macam tu kot rasanya maksud dia. hehe.
eh lupa pulak. tukar la. nak tengok kreativiti zuan buat header. =)
ReplyDeletelagu dulu-dulu meaningful...lagu zaman skarang kadang-kadang entah ape...harap beats je
ReplyDeletexder mse nk gado2...enjoy..hehehehe
ReplyDeletecer la tukar, kamu kn kreatip!!!