Da makin malas nk pk idea nk post blog nie.. huhu...
SO lately bnyk gk post2 ngarut dr aq.. so sowi kpd sesape yg rsa aq da makin ngarut dlm blogging and decide to unfollow aq.. u are allowed to unfollow me.. sorry for all the complicated...
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
> 2 lg
HOlla Bloggers..
Mgu ni memang mgu yg penat... tp dlm penat tu ad somethin yg hilangkn penat aq.. hope somethin tu jgn la go away..
mcm yg aq crita aritu dlm http://eleventx.blogspot.com/2011/02/deadly-week.html memang deadly beb.. but tu la.. i got, no mayb found? somethin.. not just somethin.. this thing wat aq ilang penat aq.. secara teknikal, not somethin yg urut badan aq, or some kind of drugs..
when bnda ni jauh ckt, rsa hati aq x tenang sp aq kena g solat tuk tenang blk...
somethin ni ad similarity ngan somethin yg aq penah rasa dlu..
somethin yg xleh describe ngan words..
somethin yang susah nk luahkan..
p.s sebab bz sgt, aq tulis bnda merapu mcm nie ke?
Mgu ni memang mgu yg penat... tp dlm penat tu ad somethin yg hilangkn penat aq.. hope somethin tu jgn la go away..
mcm yg aq crita aritu dlm http://eleventx.blogspot.com/2011/02/deadly-week.html memang deadly beb.. but tu la.. i got, no mayb found? somethin.. not just somethin.. this thing wat aq ilang penat aq.. secara teknikal, not somethin yg urut badan aq, or some kind of drugs..
when bnda ni jauh ckt, rsa hati aq x tenang sp aq kena g solat tuk tenang blk...
somethin ni ad similarity ngan somethin yg aq penah rasa dlu..
somethin yg xleh describe ngan words..
somethin yang susah nk luahkan..
p.s sebab bz sgt, aq tulis bnda merapu mcm nie ke?
Saturday, 19 February 2011
> Deadly Week
HOlla Bloggers..
Recently aq bnyk wt post2 pendek jew.. so xde movie review, comix, lyrics etc yg aq post.. so nex week is what i can call one of deadly week of my life as a student.. hahaha.. from isnin smpai friday, i got a quizzes, a triple of test, a proposal i need to submit, a presentation about the UFO, a public speaking, and a programming competition i had to attend.. hell yeah.. hahaha hope xpengsan sebab penat x cukup tdo..
so wish me luck guys.. :D
Recently aq bnyk wt post2 pendek jew.. so xde movie review, comix, lyrics etc yg aq post.. so nex week is what i can call one of deadly week of my life as a student.. hahaha.. from isnin smpai friday, i got a quizzes, a triple of test, a proposal i need to submit, a presentation about the UFO, a public speaking, and a programming competition i had to attend.. hell yeah.. hahaha hope xpengsan sebab penat x cukup tdo..
so wish me luck guys.. :D
Thursday, 17 February 2011
> Need To Sharpen It
HOlla Bloggers
For 1st time i'm gonna team up with a class mate of mine to join a programming competition that is going to be organized by my U for all the UiTM students. So the language me and my partner's going to choose is Java language.. so i need to sharpened my skill in programming before going into the contest which will be on 25 of Feb.. So one week away from the competition.. i got lots of test, presentation and quizzes next week.. so its going to be a pain in the ass to me..
For 1st time i'm gonna team up with a class mate of mine to join a programming competition that is going to be organized by my U for all the UiTM students. So the language me and my partner's going to choose is Java language.. so i need to sharpened my skill in programming before going into the contest which will be on 25 of Feb.. So one week away from the competition.. i got lots of test, presentation and quizzes next week.. so its going to be a pain in the ass to me..
Sunday, 13 February 2011
> I Once A Basis
HOlla Bloggers..
Hari ahad.. dating, movie, tido, jalan2, makan2, dll.. mcm2 activity leh wat time weekend especially ahad.. y ahad? tah.. sbb arini ari ahad kowt.. aq da makin malas nk blog-walking lately, so traffic pn merundum mcm meteora.. haha ok, arini aq bgn kul 12, mkn magee, on9, tgk puteri impian, then.. tringat kt 2 taun lepas..
knape ngan 2 taun lepas? yeah, 2 taun lepas i was once a basis.. haha pemain bass tuk band The Ranggoli.. pe tu? haha check this out.... http://eleventx.blogspot.com/2009/10/reunion.html
but not a reunion actually... satu band yg ditubukan tuk menghilangkn rasa boring dipetang hari.. men lagu2 yang rasa mcm best tuk didengar kepala sendiri..
but bkn hanya main lagu orng, ktorng ad gk lagu sndri.. Last Song and Menanti... yeah... just 2 song sbb hanya mampu jam once a week...haha..
so after several month play as a band, ktorng pn da bosan play and no more ranggoli..
ptng tadi belek2 folder2 dlm lappy aq, trjumpa folder "The Ranggoli", mengandungi lagu2 yg ktorng prnah men dulu, direkodkan dlm cd.. then save dlm pc.. lol.. so for all the members of ranggoli.. ble nk jam blik?
p.s house mate aq ad ajk jam skali ngan dia.. hmm tgk la dlu klu wa rajin nk jam.. huhu... plus klu korang prasan kt fb aq, aq tuka profile pic aq tgh men bass
Hari ahad.. dating, movie, tido, jalan2, makan2, dll.. mcm2 activity leh wat time weekend especially ahad.. y ahad? tah.. sbb arini ari ahad kowt.. aq da makin malas nk blog-walking lately, so traffic pn merundum mcm meteora.. haha ok, arini aq bgn kul 12, mkn magee, on9, tgk puteri impian, then.. tringat kt 2 taun lepas..
knape ngan 2 taun lepas? yeah, 2 taun lepas i was once a basis.. haha pemain bass tuk band The Ranggoli.. pe tu? haha check this out.... http://eleventx.blogspot.com/2009/10/reunion.html
but not a reunion actually... satu band yg ditubukan tuk menghilangkn rasa boring dipetang hari.. men lagu2 yang rasa mcm best tuk didengar kepala sendiri..

so after several month play as a band, ktorng pn da bosan play and no more ranggoli..
ptng tadi belek2 folder2 dlm lappy aq, trjumpa folder "The Ranggoli", mengandungi lagu2 yg ktorng prnah men dulu, direkodkan dlm cd.. then save dlm pc.. lol.. so for all the members of ranggoli.. ble nk jam blik?
p.s house mate aq ad ajk jam skali ngan dia.. hmm tgk la dlu klu wa rajin nk jam.. huhu... plus klu korang prasan kt fb aq, aq tuka profile pic aq tgh men bass
Friday, 11 February 2011
> Lyrics : Burning in the Skies By LP
I used the deadwood to make the fire rise The blood of innocence burning in the skies I filled my cup with the rising of the sea And poured it out in an ocean of debris Oh
I'm swimming in the smoke / of bridges I have burned So don't apologize / I'm losing what I don't deserve What I don't deserve
We held our breath when the clouds began to form But you were lost in the beating of the storm And in the end we were made to be apart Like separate chambers of the human heart No
I'm swimming in the smoke / of bridges I have burned So don't apologize / I'm losing what I don't deserve It's in the blackened bones / of bridges I have burned So don't apologize / I'm losing what I don't deserve What I don't deserve
I'm swimming in the smoke / of bridges I have burned So don't apologize / I'm losing what I don't deserve The blame is mine alone / for bridges I have burned So don't apologize / I'm losing what I don't deserve What I don't deserve
I used the deadwood to make the fire rise The blood of innocence burning in the skies
p.s one of my fav song from LP's latest album "A THOUSAND SUNS"
> Last 7
telling u i like u last year on the phone at the middle of the night..
then got rejected with "hahaha"..
being cool with that coz i got rejected soooooo many times
being cool with that coz i got rejected soooooo many times
waiting for several month
hoping you change your mind
change the fact that u like me
then i got a bad news from the social network
hoping you change your mind
change the fact that u like me
then i got a bad news from the social network
u got accident
got my hand on the smoke for 1st time
my heart doesn't feel right
remember when i asked you for a drama?
i'm not interested to watch it actually
all i did was to see u
if i can write a song
to make u fall i love with me
i think i can win a grammy
now after you recovered
u forgot that i still like u
and u got the new man right beside u
and why still me chatting with u?
and why i still messaging u?
you act strangely now
not someone i know before
all you say is it is because of the accident
but still i got no feedback from you..
and now i just wanna say thanks....
my heart doesn't feel right
then when u recover
given you time to heal
remember when i asked you for a drama?
i'm not interested to watch it actually
all i did was to see u
if i can write a song
to make u fall i love with me
i think i can win a grammy
now after you recovered
u forgot that i still like u
and u got the new man right beside u
it has been 7 month now since last time u rejected me
and why still me chatting with u?
and why i still messaging u?
you act strangely now
not someone i know before
all you say is it is because of the accident
but still i got no feedback from you..
and now i just wanna say thanks....
for treating me this way...
p.s this can me meaningless without the readers who understand what it means....
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
> Movie Review : Shaolin
Dikatakan movie ni adalah remake dari filem pertama Jet Li, Shaolin Temple(1982)
HOlla Bloggers...
Welcome back to UiTM Arau after a week break from CNY... Movie paling latest a tengok is Shaolin, Filem Aksi dari Hong Kong arahan Benny Chan. Barisan-barisan pelakon ternama yang ada untuk memantapkan filem ni adalah Andy Lau sebagai General Hou Jie yang kejam dan bongkak dengan kuasanya sebagai warlord yang kemudian dikhianati oleh anak buahnya sendiri, Cao Man yang dilakonkan oleh Nicholas Tse.
Antara pelakon-pelakon handalan yang ada dalam movie ni adalah Jackie Chan!!! yeah.. tp beliau hanya melakonkan watak sampingan, iaitu sebagai sami shaolin yang menjadi tukang masak..
Tajuk pun dah Shaolin, so action-action fighting dia memang 1st class la kan.. Memang tak mengecewakan scene-scene fight dia.. Cuma yang kurang memuaskan, lokasi cerita tak banyak ditunjuk.. dia memang banyak fokus dekat pelakon-pelakon sahaja.. Effek CGI pun tak banyak digunakan dalam cerita ni, so its ok sebab scene fight dia pn da cukup..
Jalan cerita movie ni sangat lancar pada pendapat aq sbb dia bermula dengan setting peperangan, dan kekejaman, then pengkhianatan, penginsafan selepas kehilangan insan tersayang dan conclusion pada akhirnya di temple shaolin yang mana scene fight di situ sangat2 memuaskan hati.. Cuma agak sedikit mengecewakan dengan ending crita dia yang agak menyedihkan..
Overall Rating 7/10 : Banyak kena blaja dari filem hollywood.. :D
p.s Cant wait to see pirate Caribbean 4..
reff : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaolin_(film) :: 8.24PM, 9 FEB 2011
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1533749/ :: 8.15PM, 9 FEB 2011
Thursday, 3 February 2011
> Movie Review : The Green Hornet
Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.
HOlla Bloggers..
Da lama aq tak buat movie review, sebab dah lama tak kluar tengok wayang rasanya.. hehe
so kali ni aq nak tulis review pasal movie yang baru kluar last week, THE GREEN HORNET..
Banyak kritikan positive dan negative pasal movie ni aq dapat dari internet dan untuk memastikan krritikan tu, aq kuar tengok movie tu arini, and.. sangat memuaskan..
Mayb sebab ada plakon taiwan, Jay Chou dan plakon yang ad lawak spontan Seth Rogen, movie ni hidup dan berjaya memikat hati aq..
Action memuaskan, so aq leh bagi 4/5 rating tuk action movie nie.. yang memuaskan hati aq sebab action-action yang dibuat dalam movie ni mostly real and tak banyak kesan CGI, tu yg best..
Dalam movie ni ada selitkan hubungan persahabatn iaitu percaya mempercayai antara satu sama lain, so tu slalunya biasa ad dalam movie-movie superhero..
Elemen love xde dalam citer ni, so bukan somethin yang aq terkejut, sebab tak kan la dia nk masukkan elemen love gay? ada Cameron Diaz dalam crita ni, tp watak kurang berkesan, so aq agak sedikit kecewa dengan perkembangan watak dia..
Elemen paling penting dalam crita ni, LAWAK!!! so full rating tuk lawak crita nie.. 5/5 beb.. :D
banyak lawak-lawak spontan dlm crita ni, so dari awal sampai habis memang nk gelak jew..
so overall rating 4.5/5
p/s tgu ctr dari KRU, hikayat merong mahawangsa bln 3 nie.. :D
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