Saturday, 12 November 2011

> I Don't Mean To Hurt You

HOlla Peeps,

Sometimes guys are too stupid in relationship..  He don't want to lose the girl but at the same time trying to get another girl.. But what is his actual purpose? Is he's cheating on her? 

It is believe that he's trying to playing with his own heart, he's not confused, but he's playing with his own heart.. Hes trying to make sure, does he really love the girl he swear to live with till the end of time.. But girls always think that, "argh!! He's a playboy!!!"

Nahhhh, he's not playboy, he just want she to spend more time with him. He just want she to be more serious with him. He want to make sure, if the girl really love him.. But the girl keep blaming the boy "you are a cheater!!! i hate you!!!
Will the guy cry for the girl?

It is also said that if the guy cry for the girl, that means, that he really love her (deep into his heart).. And she should pay attention to every drop of tears that the guy try to make a waterfall (get it?)

I'm sorry i fall in love with you for the 3rd time gumiho, its ok if you dont love me anymore (coz i'll keep waitin for you this time)

All i can do is praying, keep praying that she will accept me back..

p.s : every teardrop is a waterfall 


  1. hehehe insyaAllah your waiting will be worth in the end

  2. tp mne bole wat gitu.popuan ni sensitip twu x.huu

  3. heheh, pocket yang tak percayakan cinta nak komen.

    lelaki anggap wanita tu satu komitmen.
    macam keja jgak... komitmen,
    bangun pagi gi scan in,
    petang scan out.

    tp ada keja tetap,
    ada keja sementara.
    kita buleh ada dua atau tiga keja sementara...
    tp tak leh dua tiga keja tetap...
    KWSP kacau...

    so two girlfriend is just like doing McD in the breakfast, and Nando's in the dinner.
    we just want to know the komitmen,
    and choose wisely :D
    will i be in nando's till the end?
    or keja kilang instead :D hehehe

  4. BI waa translate please bro teruk inglish..p

  5. sejak sy follow zuan, rsany ni kali ptama sy bca zuan bt entri psal perasaan..

    sy rsa curang tu sinonim dgn lelaki cari prmpuan lain except that it is in term of 'friend'.

    cba jelaskn dkt gumiho tu..

    anyway, it`s easy to forgive, tapi ambil msa tuk forget..

  6. Bersabar dan tawakkal jika ada jodoh ada dan tidak kemana2 namun jika sudah ditakdirkan tiada terpaksa juga kita redhai walaupun ianya amat2 pedih....

  7. my opinion?
    lelaki ni kalau die ade sorang je, memang setia hbis, but let say ade prempuan lain yg suke jugak kat die, die tetap akan layan... huhuh

  8. hukkk3,,, :') tp selalu nye lelaki yg ira jumpe mesti tak ckup 1 , nak lebih ,hukkkk

  9. masing2 sering menyalahkan masing2...pdhal dua2 salah..teeeet

  10. in love, people tends to forgive but not to forget.. if u make a mistake once, she still can accept.. but if u keep repeating da same mistakes, what do u expect her to react?? prempuan nie fragile bro.. she can act like nothing happen but deep inside u never know..

  11. can anyone tell me how to win her heart back? coz i'm really sorry this time.. :(

  12. err jarang ada lelaki nanges =="

  13. Hahahh...there. There you are.
    The only answer to win her heart back, only you know it.

    Zuzu je boleh jawab. Kitorang takleh jawab. Dah bagi hint, so what are you waiting for?

    Go get her back!

  14. nice netry der.. jmput bc entry bru gua CLEAN & CLEAR!! :)

  15. ni zuan punya story ke ???

    hmmm, kalau lakibuat macam tu mmg ah pmpuan tu akan kecewa. like even namee sendiri as perempuan pun takkan accept back kot. em tp xtau lah pmpuan lain, but tgk tahap lah. kalau dah bf kita main cinta dgn girl lain.mmg tu namee xdpt terima. maube sbb namee ego kot n hati kering sikit.

  16. she will back if she read this! ;)

  17. j0in segmen fiq...hehehe...thanks...

  18. apa yg zuan ckp ni kan, emm, sy rase sama dgn "kawan" sy ckp. nak tgk gf ye syg ke x, sebab tu, die buat cm tu, kwn dgn another gal, tapi x smua pmpn dpt terima cr cm tu =]

    apa nak kene buat?
    terus trang dgn dia keadaan sebena =]

  19. Gumiho? Macam watak dalam cerita korea... hoho..

  20. Dear Zuan,

    As for me (a girl), I rarely open up to the door of SECOND CHANCE.

    Because you know why? Its not about the guy. Its about me. I've issue with TRUST.

    But, I always believe, never doubt, if he's destined for me, wherever I go, I'll fall back into his arms.

    Maybe you can show her, you really do mean your actions now. Show her, she's your priority. Do contact her, no matter if she doesn't even bother to reply. Say Hi, no matter she turns her head somewhere else. DO IT EVERY SINGLE DAY. If possible, secretly be close with her closest friend. Get her update. Keep it secret from her until you get her back.

    Lastly, after some times doing it, leave her all alone and see her reactions. If she fall for you, she'll chase away her ago and reach for you. If she doesn't, do strong to MOVE ON.

  21. ohooo..itu citenye..

    aku penah alami situasi ala2 macam ni..tapi misunderstanding je sebenanye..hehe

    ekceli, kalau si dia tu betol2 sygkn kau, dan dia jenis berani amik risiko macam aku ni, dia akan bagi second chance kat kau. tapi, yang ni aku setuju ngan syara, maybe kepercayaan dia kat kau akan menurun sket la dan amik mase yang lame untuk naik balik..means, walaupun dia akan balik semula dengan kau, tapi dalam hati dia still akan ada rasa ragu-ragu ngan that time, dia sebenanye dah ready kalau nak lost kau pon..

    makenye, yang ni aku stuju lagi ngan syara, wat mcm yang dia suggest to her yang kau ni memang betol2 nak kat dia..pompuan beb..keras2 kerak nasik gitu..kalau kau stop wat camtu, mesti dia miserable..amalkan dalam jangka masa yang lame yea..kalau setakat 2,3 ari, memang la tak jadi ape..

    show to her that u are really appreciate her in your life..hantar la email2 comel ke, yang manis membunuh ke, ape ke..kene gigih sket la berusaha zuan ea..bagi hati dia berbunge2 sket..hehe

    err, tu pendapat aku la as a girl..tak taw la kene ke tak ngan kes kau ni strong beb!

    lastly, please fight for your love if you love her. wah!

  22. aku doakan semoga kau dapat hati dia balik..aminnn..

  23. one way to get her back is by CHASING her non stop until she hears what you have to say.

    but bro, keep it true to one girl only la this time

  24. perghhh jiwang.. gumiho? pretteh name.. nak gak tengok muka.

  25. Hahahahaa,rasa macam pelik jer,zuan ok le tak nie? Hihihiii jangan sesekali cuba untuk curang dgn pasangan kita sebab dia juga akan curang bila kita curang.

    Selamat beramal ;-)

  26. woo.. cayalah wan! caiyok2 to win her heart! :)

  27. hehe..nk dengar pendapat akak?...

    try to win her heart back, really...really..but make sure with pride, ye Zuan.. jgn kerana sayang, jatuhkan maruah & airmuka lelaki..

    maybe org akan kata, kalau dah syg jgn ego sebaik2nya menang dgn cara terhormat.. yakni, buat dia sedar yg dia amat penting pd diri Zuan..

    tp kalau dia still tak boleh terima..accept it. give her some space..give her time.

    igt, jika cinta itu milik awak,dia akan kembali pd matter what

    im speak coz thru my experienced, waiting n loving somebody who totally throw me for, almost 4 yrs..

  28. gudluck bro. i understand your situation.

  29. through my experience, praying is the most top priority thing to do,

    but when i comes to actions, zuan cuba every cara sampai penat. sampat betul betul penat dan dah cuba segalanya. then when that time comes, if she doest come back, she doesn't want u anymore, if she does that i'll be a great news then :) try every ways till u get really really tired of trying.

  30. zuan,buat something yg sweet.buat video mintak maap kat dia ke.ceh!sweet ke?
    actually tak tau bab2 cinta nih.haha.

  31. Kalau dia jodoh kau,tak akan kemananya.

    cuba kau berterus terang,insyallah dia faham.Kau cuba tawan hati dia balik weyh.Go Go Go,you can do it Zuan!

    Aku selalu amalkan doa kawan aku kasi ni,Ya Allah,sampaikan rindu ku padanya sehingga aku menjadi kerinduannya.


  32. there're many more ways you can do to tackle her back eventhough you can't force love at all! :') may your true happiness comes around you yeah!

  33. seram la cerita pasal cinta^^

  34. GUMIHO???? ke itu panggilan manje zuan utk die??? keep trying zuan.. i know u can do it! weeewitt~ =P

    cik ana

  35. aq sebagai paham perasaan ko tu harap ko dapat memenangi hatinya kembali.. :)

  36. wuhuu.untunglah gumiho kali ni.

  37. kena saling setia la..baru bahagia..hehe

  38. aku sokong budak penjara je..


  39. my advise is, don't chase a girl that is not considering taking u back in her life bcoz she may take u in her life for now, but do u want to be hurt again when she left u? Im just saying anyway

  40. Insyaallah......
    berdoalah.....semoga bila sidia membaca entri ini hatinya akan terbuka kembali untuk zuan.....

  41. she will come soon if she is your true love.... :)
    Be strong dear .

  42. jarang zuan berbicara tentang hati & perasaan.

    apa2 pun, i'll pray for ur happiness,

  43. er, tak faham =.='

  44. thanks for everyone's concern.. if i got her back, i swear i never break her heart again..

  45. itu lah.perempuan sensitif.penuh pengalaman pahit.kau kena berjaga.
    berdoa. :)

  46. but some guys crying just to cover 'something' and showing his regret but the fact is, he's not. :)guys always want more than one, he's hard to appreciate one. that's my view, hehe jgn marah

  47. good luck...

    moga gumiho nmpak kesungguhan ko

  48. be patient..hope one day she will open her heart for u yeah...:)

  49. be patient.. and..
    slowly go & win her heart back.
    gud luck, Zuan :D

  50. gud luck! all the best zuan! kahkah! :)

  51. To get her back the top priority now is pray to Allah mintak lembut sikit hati dia nak terima Zuan balik.There is nothing else to do selain munajat padaNya.Kita hanya merancang.Dia yang menentukan.

    Faham sangat perasaan ni.Lumrah lelaki biasalah.Kadangkala dia saja cari perempuan lain sebab nak test sejauh mana gf dia sayang dengan dia.Tapi bila dah nak tidur malam tu gf dia jugak yang dia ingat eventhough dia ego.

    Aku suka style kawan aku bila diorang kapel.X terkongkong.Boy boleh freely kwn dengan perempuan dan gf dia boleh kawan dengan lelaki yang dia suka.

    Panjang gila komen aku.Btw wish you best of luck.

  52. kalau betul dia jodoh ko..insyallah tak kemanae2...but just prove her that u r love her damn much...

    then up to her to open her heart or not..just jangan paksa diri dia dan diri kau kayh...


  53. be strong..

    setiap apa y berlaku ada hikmahnya..

    trust ur heart..


  54. perasaan memang sukar untuk difahami,

  55. kdg2 lg ssh nk phm llki dr perempuan,perempuna kalau syg dia tnjuk,jelas nmpk..llki kdg2 buat ragu2.heeee

  56. seorang perempuan yang btol2 syg akan sorang lelaki tu akn trme die blik..even ssh untuk trme..give her time n try to persuade her in manner ways.. ak stuju ngn syara...
    jgn cpt mengalah...dan dalam mse yang sme,bykkn berdoa moga jodoh kalian panjang...InsyaAllah kalau u're gumiho mmg jodoh zuan,xkan kemana..satu hari nanti akn bersama dia jugak...

  57. dulu, saya selalu menangis kalau ditinggalkan oleh manusia2 yang saya sayang sepenuh jiwa dan raga. tapi,now tak dah. Alhamdulilah dapat petunjuk.

    tak ada ubat lain untuk penyakit macam ni kecuali balik semula kepada fitrah kita sebagai Hamba-NYA. serahkan hati kita, serahkan kasih sayang cinta kita pada Allah saja dan insyaAllah, Allah akan kuatkan kita.

  58. Papepon sabar ok ;)

  59. lupakan cinta wat sementara waktu..cintai diri kita,pada Allah s.w.t barula kita mencintai orang lain..

    semoga bro dapat cinta yang benar2 membahagiakan bro suatu hari nanti..insyaAllah akan ada nanti..yang lepas, lepaskan aje..tentu ada hikmahnya

    selalu doakan pada yang Maha Esa supaya dikurniakan jodoh yang baik..Dia Maha Mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kita.

  60. trima kasih atas support korang.. aku akan cuba menangi hatinya semula.. :')

  61. wah zuan jiwang. hehe. a girl wants to know that she's the only one. if you already have someone in your heart, just stick to one.

    apologize to her. say that you're really sorry. a girl would forgive if she still loves you. i know i would. hehe.

  62. macam mana ek?

    kalau betul betul sayang dia, mesti satu hari dia akan nampak jugak.
    its okay, teruskan usaha. suha doa untuk zuan, insyaallah. :)

  63. insyallah. it will be a worth waiting. keep praying.


Every comment worth a thousand thanks.. :)


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